When Linearity Counts™

Aquilto was founded by Mats Carlsson in 2016 with a scope to develop innovations in the domain of Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit (RF IC) products, where the initial focus has been to develop high-end very linear radio power amplifiers in silicon technologies.

The innovations provide linearity performance suitable for high performance WLAN applications such as access points, gateways, set-top boxes and smart TV’s. The work is patent pending and proven on silicon to be competitive for WiFi-6 applications.

All activities in the company are currently carried out in close collaboration with international partner companies.

Mats Carlsson is the founder, lead engineer, owner and CEO of Aquilto. He has more than 30 years of experience from leading positions in the semiconductor industry (Ericsson, Catena, Sivers Semiconductor, Aquilto) and has a global contact network with customers and partners.

Mats describes himself as a business-driven innovator. His innovation and business skills has formed and structured Aquilto to its current position.
